Time – Further Insights

understanding time

Now that we have an understanding of time (original post on Understanding Time), let us look at further definitions and concepts.

It is important to remember now before we go in to further detail, that our understanding of time is determined by our perception or ability to understand or be open to other concepts, and our personal vibration. The truth about time never changes – our perception of it is what changes as we peel away at the layers. So here’s a new perception based on what I know now:

A quick recap – time as we know it applies on the earth plane only. Time as we know it does not exist elsewhere. So what’s new?

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Evolution vs Creation

evolution vs creation

There are endless debates and points of view on this sometimes contentious topic. The common thread in all the debate I have seen has been a polarisation towards either of these views, with the assertion that ‘our view is correct’! Some religions teach us that what exists was created by a God or a pantheon of deities. Science tells us that as humans, we evolved from single celled organisms and they have proof to back it all up in the form of fossil remains and accepted means of dating them. Yes this is a simplified version, however, it captures the essence of the sentiments. So which one is true? Which one resonates more with you?

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