House Clearing


We work with the energy spirits of your land and home using sound, crystals, smudging techniques, Pranic Energy and the combined power of intention via guided meditation.


Homes or houses accumulate energies from the emotions of people who have either lived there or spent time in them. Often these emotions are negative in origin, which influence those living in them in negative ways.

Emotions are energy in motion and once created cannot be destroyed. They can either be moved out or transmuted.


The same applies for energy entities or spirits as they are often referred to. These are earth-bound spirits who have not realised or unwilling to accept that their earth lives are over. They are often confused and oblivious to the help and assistance available to them from their spirit guides and other beings of Light.

They have either been previous physical residents of the home, may have died in the house, may have been buried where the house was built, or have an energetic connection or vibrational match with the energies of the house.

We connect with them energetically and invite them to move on with the help of their spirit guides. In some instances, the only option is to remove them, for they are not willing or ready to see beyond their immediate beliefs.

Have you noticed how some homes or places just ‘feel nice’? Conversely some places just do not feel good? You are sensing and responding to the energies present.

It is recommended to have your house or home cleared regularly. It is similar to the clearing and balancing of the chakras of your physical body.


Contact Us to book your House Clearing Session.