pH Balance

pH Balance

Disease and ageing are intimately related to the acid/alkaline balance (pH) of the fluids in our bodies. Virtually every degenerative disease from cancer, osteoporosis, heart disease and arthritis, to skin problems, tooth decay and joint pain is associated with excess acidity in the body.

What is pH? Water is comprised of hydrogen and oxygen [H2O]. When there is an equal proportion of oxygen (O-) and hydrogen (H+), then the pH (potential hydrogen) is said to be neutral and the pH is 7.0 as measured on the pH scale that ranges from 1 to 14.

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Sacred Solfeggio Frequencies

Sacred Solfeggio Frequencies

Solfeggio frequencies make up the ancient 6-tone scale used in sacred music, including the well known Gregorian Chants. The chants and their special tones were believed to impart spiritual blessings when sung in harmony. Each Solfeggio tone is comprised of a frequency required to balance your energy and keep your body, mind and spirit in perfect harmony.

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Sound Healing Meditation Videos

Sound Healing Meditation Videos

Sound healing is a form of vibrational healing which works on the energy system of the body in ways similar to Homoeopathy, Crystal Healing, Reiki and similar energy healing techniques.

We use crystal singing bowls tuned to 432 Hz, gongs, shamanic drum, solfeggio pipes & the ocean drum, Tibetan chimes in our sound healing meditations. They are sometimes with a guided meditation or chanting. Regular sound healing is a wonderful way to bring your chakras into balance and raise your vibration through intention, and move through these intense times with ease.

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Living Water

Living Water

It is no coincidence that roughly 70% of our planet consists oceans and the human body is made up of approximately the same percentage. Dr. Masaru Emoto, the Japanese scientist and water researcher, revealed the true nature of water and how thoughts and vibrations affect the molecular structure of water through high speed photography of thousands of water crystals.

He discovered that water from clear springs and water that has been exposed to loving words shows brilliant, complex, and colourful snowflake patterns, while water from polluted sources or water exposed to negative thoughts forms incomplete, asymmetrical patterns with dull colours.

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The Power of Crystal Singing Bowls

The Power of Crystal Singing Bowls

Not all sound affects our systems the same way. The crystal singing bowl is made of quartz and the effect upon the body and consciousness of the individual is tremendous. The electrical aspect of the quartz emanations advances strong responses within the crystalline structures and patterns of the human body. Our bodies are over 70% water and our bones have a crystalline structure that creates an entrainment between sound and body. This is why we resonate strongly with quartz energy and crystal singing bowls have such a healing effect on our bodies.

Produced by the computer industry, the quartz crystal singing bowl is used as a medium of intense energy to grow silicon quartz chips, which are used as an essential part of our communication network, almost like the heart’s function in the human body. Apart from the technological function, the crystal bowls are powerful tools for inner communication. The crystal singing bowl is both a symbol and a tool of the alchemical process; a linking of ancient wisdom and modern high technology creating a bridge from the past to the future.

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Intuition & ESP

Intuition & ESP

A broadly acceptable (scientific) definition of a sense would be “A system that consists of a group of sensory cell types that responds to a specific physical phenomenon, and that corresponds to a particular group of regions within the brain where the signals are received and interpreted.” The traditional five senses refer to hearing, sight, smell, taste and touch.

Other Senses

Humans have other senses that they are aware of, outside of the traditional senses. Senses like balance, temperature, kinaesthetic sense (the perception or sensing of the motion, weight, or position of the body as muscles, tendons, and joints move), and pain. While we are familiar with the traditional 5 senses and are aware of some other senses, we have largely overlooked or ignored two critically important senses. They are particularly important now as we increase our levels of consciousness (which is a natural part of evolution).

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Time – Further Insights

Time – Further Insights

Now that we have an understanding of time (original post on Understanding Time), let us look at further definitions and concepts.

It is important to remember now before we go in to further detail, that our understanding of time is determined by our perception or ability to understand or be open to other concepts, and our personal vibration. The truth about time never changes – our perception of it is what changes as we peel away at the layers. So here’s a new perception based on what I know now:

A quick recap – time as we know it applies on the earth plane only. Time as we know it does not exist elsewhere. So what’s new?

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The Mirror Image

The Mirror Image

“A Man cannot be comfortable without his own approval.”– Mark Twain

When we look at our self in the mirror what do we see? Usually the negative aspects that we would like to change like our facial features or body shape etc. It is the result of cultural conditioning and comparing that has gone on for years. From the day we are born we are subject to messages from the outside world. The positive ones uplift us and the negative ones have an effect on us that keep us working towards unattainable perfection, which we think we need to have through external approval. All this action is based on the vibrational state of lack…of externalisation. As long as we generate this energy of lack, however much we work towards improvement, we will always view ourselves as incomplete. This desire only serves its purpose until we recognise that there is no lack and we are born worthy and whole.

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Understanding Time

Understanding Time

Many of us are ruled by time. We rush from one place or one task to another and often have too many things to fit in to our schedules than time permits. It is also a reason for not doing things – “I’m sorry I don’t have the time….”

So what is time? Time is a human construct. It was presumably designed to help us keep our lives in order. We have cultures that are obsessed with time. And yet, it is often the cause of a lot of stress and interestingly, degrees of disorder. We now know that time as we perceive it, does not exist! The concept of time helps us compartmentalise and manage our days and tasks in a linear fashion, which is what the human brain comprehends. Out in the wider Universe, there is no such thing as time! Everything happens in this moment we call NOW. Our so called past, the present and indeed the future is all happening simultaneously.

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Evolution vs Creation

Evolution vs Creation

There are endless debates and points of view on this sometimes contentious topic. The common thread in all the debate I have seen has been a polarisation towards either of these views, with the assertion that ‘our view is correct’! Some religions teach us that what exists was created by a God or a pantheon of deities. Science tells us that as humans, we evolved from single celled organisms and they have proof to back it all up in the form of fossil remains and accepted means of dating them. Yes this is a simplified version, however, it captures the essence of the sentiments. So which one is true? Which one resonates more with you?

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