Reclaiming & Owning Your Power – Online Offering

Reclaiming & Owning Your Power!

A 10 Module Online Soul Chrysalis Offering ~ Helping You Help Yourself

Are you tired of external situations and people having so much control over you? Are you ready to change your life? Are you ready to embrace new ways of being that will astound you and bring joy, understanding and a new zest for living? Perhaps you recall having glimpses of this before or never have…?

If you are ready to work on yourself, for this is a very much an internal personal journey, then perhaps this is for you. Nothing is by coincidence! The fact that you have read this far is an indicator that you are being divinely guided, for you are ready…you have been asking for a long time!

We know that the ‘true healer’ is always You, not someone or something external to you. We are quite simply catalysts for this remembering in you…

These 10 Modules take you on a self-paced experiential journey of remembering and self-realisation. Practical ‘experiments’ or assignments are included where possible, for we want you to know for yourself, not just theorise, or understand intellectually. Included is access to regular video Q&A sessions with Nelly & Dushy, where we may bring in guest speakers.

We incorporate our diverse and challenging life experiences, channelled and intuitive messages and knowing, along with the guidance and teachings of many enlightened loving sources who share this journey with us.

As each module builds the foundation for the ones after, it is recommended that all modules are completed in the sequence they are offered.

We offer all 10 modules at $185, when paid for upfront. A saving of $25.

You may choose to pay as you go at $21 per module.

In keeping with our ‘service to others’ philosophy, we offer discounted and complimentary scholarships on an individual case by case basis. Please contact us to discuss your situation.

(Prices are in Australian Dollars)

Here’s the list of modules in this offering:

Reclaiming & Owning Your Power! ~ Modules 1 to 10

All Modules

To book, please make a card payment via the following link:

Bank Transfer is available within Australia – please contact us for details.

Please CONTACT US along with payment confirmation and we will email the relevant Module/Modules 1 to 10 of Reclaiming & Owning Your Power to you.  


Reclaiming & Owning Your Power! ~ Module 1

Knowing the Playing Field

Universal Laws and States of Being

When we start playing the game of life on Earth, we have no points of reference or playing guide or rule book to go to for insights and guidance. In fact, many of us go through life with little or no knowledge of how to play this game let alone how to be in control of it. We play by default, feeling like we are at the receiving end of things we have little or no control over. 

To book, please make a card payment via the following link:

Reclaiming & Owning Your Power! ~ Module 2

Taking Stock

Where am I now?

Before you begin to look at Owning Your Power, you need to establish what’s brought you so far to who you are today. Once understood, it becomes the line in the sand from which you can move forward.

This ‘uncovering’ is often no easy task, for we project different versions of ourselves to suit the environments we find ourselves in. A mix of these versions tends to become the façade or face people wear most of the time, while the real person is buried or protected.

To book, please make a card payment via the following link:


Reclaiming & Owning Your Power! ~ Module 3

Getting in My Groove

Connecting with My Intuitive Side

“You will not break loose until you realise that you yourself forge the chains that bind you”

To book, please make a card payment via the following link:

Bank Transfer is available within Australia – please contact us for details.

Reclaiming & Owning Your Power! ~ Module 4

Identifying the Real Me  

My Personal Situation as it is Today

How should we be able to forget those ancient myths that are at the beginning of all peoples, the myths about dragons that at the last moment turn into princesses; perhaps all the dragons of our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us once beautiful and brave. Perhaps everything terrible is in its deepest being something helpless that wants help from us.

To book, please make a card payment via the following link:

Reclaiming & Owning Your Power! ~ Module 5

Loving Myself 

Embracing My Duality – As I Am – the Positives & Negatives 

“Your task is not to seek for Love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”  

To book, please make a card payment via the following link:

Reclaiming & Owning Your Power! ~ Module 6

Managing Myself 

Relationships & Emotions

Contrast or Duality gives us opportunities for growth and evolving. The multitude of Relationships we have are the prime enablers, movers and foundations of these opportunities. Our Emotions are our inbuilt guiding mechanism or radar for navigating these challenges.

To book, please make a card payment via the following link:


Reclaiming & Owning Your Power! ~ Module 7

The Creative Power of Feelings, Thoughts, Intentions & Words

Every day declare for yourself what you want in life. Declare it as though you have it.

To your mind and to your body, the words and feelings you express are the words of the Universe or Source or God. It makes complete sense to talk kindly, encouragingly and lovingly to yourself, to the cells and organs of your body, which will respond accordingly.

To book, please make a card payment via the following link:


Reclaiming & Owning Your Power! ~ Module 8

Transmuting the Old

The Playground of Alchemy

Changing what no longer serves you.

Creating the New You

To book, please make a card payment via the following link:

Reclaiming & Owning Your Power! ~ Module 9

Creating Deliberately

Vibrational Compatibility between Desires and Beliefs

When we align our beliefs with our desires ‘magic’ happens! Life starts to flow with synchronicities that seem to appear at the right time and right place. This is referred to as tapping in to the Stream of Wellness.

To book, please make a card payment via the following link:


Reclaiming & Owning Your Power! ~ Module 10

Where are we Headed?

Humanity’s Shift in Consciousness

“You have all been in a process of releasing all of your habits of thoughts, all of your beliefs, and all of your actions that are in contradiction to your stated objective. Now, most of you have the stated objective that you want to shift your consciousness. Some of you have other objectives as well, but all of you are looking for something, whether it’s to be more of a service to others or to live a life of more joy and ease.”                                     

The 9D Arcturian Council

To book, please make a card payment via the following link:

Bank Transfer is available within Australia – please contact us for details.

Please CONTACT US along with payment confirmation and we will email the relevant Module/Modules 1 to 10 of Reclaiming & Owning Your Power to you.