Intuition & ESP

sixth sense

A broadly acceptable (scientific) definition of a sense would be “A system that consists of a group of sensory cell types that responds to a specific physical phenomenon, and that corresponds to a particular group of regions within the brain where the signals are received and interpreted.” The traditional five senses refer to hearing, sight, smell, taste and touch.

Other Senses

Humans have other senses that they are aware of, outside of the traditional senses. Senses like balance, temperature, kinaesthetic sense (the perception or sensing of the motion, weight, or position of the body as muscles, tendons, and joints move), and pain. While we are familiar with the traditional 5 senses and are aware of some other senses, we have largely overlooked or ignored two critically important senses. They are particularly important now as we increase our levels of consciousness (which is a natural part of evolution).

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The Mirror Image

self reflection

“A Man cannot be comfortable without his own approval.”– Mark Twain

When we look at our self in the mirror what do we see? Usually the negative aspects that we would like to change like our facial features or body shape etc. It is the result of cultural conditioning and comparing that has gone on for years. From the day we are born we are subject to messages from the outside world. The positive ones uplift us and the negative ones have an effect on us that keep us working towards unattainable perfection, which we think we need to have through external approval. All this action is based on the vibrational state of lack…of externalisation. As long as we generate this energy of lack, however much we work towards improvement, we will always view ourselves as incomplete. This desire only serves its purpose until we recognise that there is no lack and we are born worthy and whole.

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Everything is Energy

energy healing

According to most ancient wisdom and traditions, the entirety of creation, from human beings to animals or vegetable to minerals, is just different expressions of the same universal life force. For over hundred years, physicists have been probing the structure of matter and have universally accepted Einstein’s revelation between matter and energy. Everything is energy! Every thought, word, feeling and thing is energy. Things that appear to be solid are actually very tightly compacted energy particles creating a shape, form or physical appearance. Although we identify ourselves with our physical body we are actually multidimensional, energetic, spiritual beings having a physical human experience.

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