Many of us are ruled by time. We rush from one place or one task to another and often have too many things to fit in to our schedules than time permits. It is also a reason for not doing things – “I’m sorry I don’t have the time….”
So what is time? Time is a human construct. It was presumably designed to help us keep our lives in order. We have cultures that are obsessed with time. And yet, it is often the cause of a lot of stress and interestingly, degrees of disorder. We now know that time as we perceive it, does not exist! The concept of time helps us compartmentalise and manage our days and tasks in a linear fashion, which is what the human brain comprehends. Out in the wider Universe, there is no such thing as time! Everything happens in this moment we call NOW. Our so called past, the present and indeed the future is all happening simultaneously.
How can this be you may well ask? The work done on past life regressions for example gives us a clue and has opened us up to new ways of being with the understanding that we can visit the past and gather information from there that will help us in our current lives. Those who undergo past life regressions describe events in ‘real time’ and experience the emotions and senses associated with what they see as if it were happening to them in that moment. If time was indeed linear as we tend to believe, this would not be possible, for the past is finished and cannot be accessed anymore. The same would be true of the future and yet we can visit the future using the same process as for past lives.

So let us examine time in more detail. We only have this moment we call now, everything happens in this moment and it is all we ever have. We need to start thinking multi-dimensionally to begin to understand this. To help illustrate this, picture or imagine a ream of A4 paper In this analogy each sheet of paper represents an experience known as a life. Collectively these sheets represent all your lives (past, present and future). Now imagine a cylindrical object piercing these sheets of paper in the middle, so that the two ends of the cylinder appear out of the top and bottom of the ream of paper. This cylindrical object represents you or your Soul or Higher Self. Each paper (life) touches the cylinder (Soul/Higher Self) at the same ‘time’, so your Soul or Higher Self experiences all of these lives at the same ‘time’ or in this moment we call now. Souls have the ability to be in multiple locations at the same time as small parts of them go to these multiple locations. So in this example of lives, your Soul or Higher Self experiences the entirety of your lives (past, present and future) simultaneously. It likes to do this as it has the capacity to handle a lot more than just one life.
So linear time that we are used to is a limiting concept and is not accurate. We can now start to understand time in a new way, in this moment called NOW.