“There is a light which shines beyond the world, beyond everything, beyond all, beyond the highest heaven. This is the light which shines within your heart.” ~ The Chandogya Upanishad
The Seven Chakras
Chakra is the Sanskrit word for wheel or disk and signifies one of the seven basic energy centres in the body that correspond to nerve ganglia branching out from the spinal column, as well as states of consciousness, evolving stages of life, archetypal elements, body functions, colours, sound and much more. Together they form a profound formula for wholeness and a template for transformation. According to Ayurveda, chakras generate energy and transmit it to the 107 energy points (marmas) in the body. When this energy circulation is blocked, the body signals this through disease.
7 Crown Chakra ~ Thought, Universal identity orientation to self knowledge
This is the crown chakra that relates to consciousness and pure awareness. It is our connection to our true self in the timeless, space less dimension of all knowing. When developed this chakra brings us knowledge, wisdom, understanding and spiritual awareness.
6 Third Eye Chakra ~ Light, archetypal identity, oriented to self reflection
This chakra is known as brow chakra or the third eye. It is related to the act of seeing, both physically and intuitively. As such, it opens our psychic abilities and our understanding of archetypal levels. When healthy it allows us to see clearly, in effect, letting us “see the big picture”.
5 Throat Chakra ~ Sound, creative identity, oriented to self expression
This is the chakra located in the throat and is thus related to communication and creativity. Here we experience the world symbolically through vibration, such as the vibration of sound representing language.
4 Heart Chakra ~ Air, social identity, oriented to self acceptance
This is called the heart chakra and is in the middle of the system of seven chakras. It is related to love and is the integrator of opposites in the psyche: mind and body, male and female, persona and shadow, ego and unity. A healthy fourth chakra allows us to love deeply, feel compassion and have deep sense of feeling centred.
3 Solar Plexus Chakra ~ Fire, ego identity, oriented to self definition
This is known as the power chakra, located in the solar plexus. It rules our personal power, will and autonomy as well as our metabolism. When healthy this chakra brings us energy, effectiveness, spontaneity, and non-dominating power.
2 Sacral Chakra ~ Water, emotional identity, oriented to self gratification
The second chakra located in the abdomen, lower back and sexual organs, is related to the element water and to emotions and sexuality. It connects us to others through feeling, desire, sensation and movement. Ideally this chakra brings us fluidity and grace, depth of feeling, sexual fulfilment, and the ability to accept change.
1 Root Chakra ~ Earth, physical identity, oriented to self preservation
Located at the base of the spine, this chakra forms our foundation. It represents the element earth, and is therefore related to our survival instincts, and to our sense of grounding and connection to our bodies and the physical plane. Ideally this chakra brings us health, prosperity, security and dynamic presence.
The energetic heart
Traditionally called the fourth or heart chakra, our energetic heart is where we experience the energy of pure love. This is developed between the ages of 4 – 7. Physically this energy centre influences our chest area and organs, including the heart, lungs, ribs and breasts and radiates out to the shoulders, arms, and hands. When opened, it holds the energy of peace, compassion, unconditional love, honesty and harmony.
These energies cannot be fully felt, understood and integrated until the lower and higher energy centres are purified, balanced and activated.
As the fourth chakra is placed in the centre, the heart chakra is the doorway to our soul and it cannot be fully opened until we integrate the light and dark within us. We need to accept and understand our dualistic nature in order to transform into non- duality. It is in our energetic heart that we learn to accept and love our vulnerabilities, limitations, hurt and pain so we can transcend the limited, fear based human ego and grow towards something greater and more expansive. Our heart is our spiritual core which, once fully activated, awakens our higher consciousness of wholeness and inner peace, ending duality of matter and spirit.
When our energetic heart is fully opened we remember our divinity and allow the love of creation to flow through us helping us to recognise the divinity in everyone and everything else. This is unity consciousness.
Fear blocks our flow of energy and causes energy to stagnate around our energy centres resulting in physical imbalances. Being identified for eons with our egos, in many lifetimes of love being withheld, we have created energetic shields over our hearts to protect ourselves. We have shut down our energetic heart, blocking the continuous flow of divine love, disconnecting us from our intuitive powers and allowing our ego to take over.
♥ A balanced energetic heart centre represents ~ Oneness with life, unconditional love, faith, peace, compassion, harmony, openness, healing, true forgiveness, courage, honesty, healthy relationships, balance in giving and receiving, emotional wisdom, joy, bliss, self preservation, self love.
♥ Unbalanced energetic heart centre represents ~ Separation, conditional love, controlling, demanding, critical, judgmental, jealous, codependent, lack of empathy.
♥ Traumas to the energetic heart centre ~ Rejection, abandonment, betrayal, physical and emotional abuse, sexual abuse, death of a loved one, divorce.
♥ Physical symptoms expressing energy blockage ~ Heart disorders, circulatory dysfunctions, lung disorders, tension between shoulders, weak immune system.
Many of us have endured difficult soul journeys to clear and heal distorted energy from previous lifetimes. Once we understand that pain can be used as a catalyst for transformation and every experience that has ever happened to us was created by us for the benefit of soul growth, we have taken the path of surrender, acceptance and forgiveness. When we open our energetic heart completely, we create a bridge between the lower energy centres and our higher energy centres becoming conscious creators of our circumstances. We are no longer subject to the disharmony of our unconscious creations.
Are we following our hearts?
We are all conditioned to think with our heads, be logical and act accordingly ignoring our heart’s desires. When we give priority to our logical minds the gentle requests of the heart are not given any notice. This is what leads to most of our heart problems. To notice the heart we must give attention to our deepest feelings that make us feel good.
♥ Our hearts desire concerns our whole life instead of immediate results and advantages.
♥ Our heart makes us courageous.
♥ With our hearts we can accept our feelings, comfort and encourage them or release them when they are harmful to us.
♥ Our heart is the dwelling of our love, hope and beliefs
♥ The feelings that do not come from our heart, do not always want what is best for us.
♥ The feelings that do not come from our heart want to control and succumb; they demand satisfaction; they do not have patience and want everything at once; they are fear based and often tempt us to futility or to refrain from our sensibility.
Why are we not following our hearts?
♥ We think we are important in an egoistic way but don’t take our inner selves seriously.
♥ We suspect and somehow know that if we do take our inner self seriously that we will be subject to radical change and we are afraid of this.
When we follow our hearts:
♥ We take are inner self seriously.
♥ We are ready to realise that our lives will be livelier and more meaningful but not easier.
♥ By taking our inner self seriously we may not be popular with others but we will be affectionate and able to love unconditionally.
♥ By taking our inner self seriously we may not have many acquaintances and lose many old friends but will be better known; building deeper bonds.
♥ We are not afraid to change old ways and are open to new life enhancing practices.
♥ We love and accept ourselves as we are.
♥ We are courageous and we find love, peace and fulfilment within.
♥ We do not need any reason, dispute or justification to follow our hearts desires.
♥ We embrace life and love unconditionally.
Everything that we declare, decide, or have promised will not last during a crisis if it is not from the heart. When we follow our hearts allow it to decide, our whole self is harmonised and in alignment with our divine self.
Opening the energetic heart
The thymus gland plays a major role in opening up the energetic heart and strengthening our immune system. Three of the major chambers of the heart are located at the bottom (self love), middle (duality), and top (higher self). The top of the heart is the thymus that connects to the endocrine system. The Taoists call the thymus gland the “House of Heart” which plays a major role in circulating energy within the body together with the pineal, pituitary, thyroid, pancreas, and sexual glands. The thymus also activates and opens the hypothalamus, and the middle and bottom chambers of the heart. As the heart expands we open ourselves up to experience unconditional love releasing judgment and allowing space for others to exercise their free will.
The thymus tap exercise is a great way to assist in the opening of our energetic heart. The thymus is located about three inches below our throat. This exercise can be incorporated into our daily spiritual practice or at any time.
♥ State an intention first. E.g. “I ask and intend for my sacred heart to be opened and activated for my highest and best good”.
♥ Throughout the day, whenever it comes to mind, simply tap the thymus gland area.
♥ Especially useful when one has the feeling of being overwhelmed by lower vibrations and negative thinking.
♥ Affirming these positive statements with the tapping helps to bring us back to alignment with our energetic heart.
♥ I am one with the light
♥ I am love
♥ I am one with GOD and all beings
♥ My body is returning to a perfect state of health and balance
♥ I allow others to be themselves and set myself free
♥ I release (anyone/anything that is annoying) with love
♥ I release all that no longer serves me with ease and grace
“Your mind must become one, do not try to understand with your ears but with your heart. Indeed, not with your heart but with your soul.”~ Chuang Tzu
Heart Chakra Meditation
This heart chakra meditation by Nelly will assist you to open up your energetic heart. Dedicate 10 minutes of your day to experience this healing energy by opening up your heart chakra.