Soul Chrysalis provides insight, understanding and opportunities to heal, grow and evolve on many levels, by addressing issues and circumstances at the causal stages. In other words, we want to address the root cause of your issues instead of merely treating the symptoms. We take a holistic view involving the the mind, emotions, physical body and the larger non-physical spirit body.
Gain insight and answers to some key questions like:

- What is my life purpose?
- Why do I attract the same type of partner?
- Why do bad things happen to me?
- How can I create the life that I want?
- Why do I not have enough money?
- Why am I hurting?
- Why can’t I achieve my ideal weight?
- Why am I not moving forward in life?
- How can I get over this?
Below is a list of our services, many of which collectively encompass the concept of Quantum Energy Healing and help address the key elements of the Wellbeing Cycle.
Past Life Regression – Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT):
When the search for the root cause has been exhausted and can’t seemingly be traced, there is a high possibility of it laying within a past lifetime that the individual has experienced. By reviewing the lessons, people and circumstances of past lifetimes, we can make connections and understand their influence over our relationship with ourselves and others in the present moment. QHHT works with the client’s soul consciousness, higher self or subconscious to open pathways to newfound clarity, understandings and healing. Click here to find out more.
Holistic Counselling & Relationship Therapy:
Every relationship we experience is a mirror of the one that we have with ourselves. The ideal partner, friendship group, family and working environments…all of these will most likely remain out of reach until the internal relationship with the self is at peace. Ask yourself, is your self-talk filled with criticism, guilt, blame, anger, jealousy or a lack of worthiness? These emotional states seep into our life-force like a poison, corrupting any potential bonds we may wish to establish with others. At Soul Chrysalis, we believe that happy and healthy relationships are a by-product of our beliefs and how we talk to ourselves. By transmuting limiting beliefs and raising the vibration of the individual, humanity as a collective will in turn be raised. Click here to find out more.
Just as as an opera singer can shatter a wine glass at a certain pitch, or a doctor may dissolve kidney stones with a particular frequency, sound can be applied in many ways to heal the tension and dis-ease within the body, mind and spirit. Scientific study has shown the effect different sound waves have on the formation of water molecules and the health of plant life that grows in an environment with harmonious music. Similarly, the negative effects can also be observed when a life form in subjected to frequencies that do not resonate with their natural rhythm. With the use of quartz crystal singing bowls and solfeggio pipes, each of which is attuned to a corresponding aspect of the physical and spiritual body, we have developed a powerful meditative experience designed to balance and realign the mind/body/spirit towards its natural state. We also apply the use of gongs and drums as part of a fully immersive sound healing that can be experienced individually, as part of a group, and even online from wherever is comfortable for you. Click here to find out more.
Prana is another word for life-force. In parts of Asia it is more commonly known as Chi or Ki, the energy that sustains the health of our physical bodies. Within our energetic field, there are several energy centres known as chakras that are responsible for the flow of prana throughout the body. Disease forms when this prana flow is blocked or overstimulated. Pranic Healing is a modality that allows the diagnosis of how the prana is flowing through the body and its corresponding chakras, through the use of energy scanning and aura reading. Once the problem is identified, the area is cleared/cleaned and fresh new prana is directed into the affected area. Every malady originates in an energetic imbalance before it manifests in a physical manner. Similar in principle to acupuncture therapy, when the right energy pathways are stimulated, the body can begin to thrive again. Pranic Healing achieves this without the need for any physical touch and can even be applied on animals, houses/buildings, businesses etc and can be done remotely. Click here to find out more.
Everything is vibration, from the thoughts we think to the food we consume. Our approach to nutrition is about recognising your own internal vibrational state, how you would like to feel, and then making conscious and compatible choices with your food and liquids. Too many of us are now living in auto-pilot mode and allow the busy schedules of our lives to govern their food choices. To add insult to injury, we often feel guilty about those choices, or are completely unaware of the detrimental effects the fast food industries and mainstream health/pharmaceutical companies are having on us. With Soul Body Nutrition, we aim to help you rebalance and reclaim your own personal power, feel happy and healthy in your own body and make the right choices for you. Click here to find out more.
Although the mind helps us to reason and to think creatively, if we do not learn to switch it off, it can overwhelm us with critical thoughts, fears and the other people’s opinions. Meditation can bring relief from these anxieties by helping us to silence our inner chatter, to recognise and dismiss negative thoughts and to create a feeling of inner peace. We offer a variety of meditations at Soul Chrysalis, many of which are intertwined with our other services. They range from in-house individual and group sessions, to live online video mediations that you can participate in from the comfort of your home. Click here to find out more.
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT):
Emotional Freedom Technique also known as EFT Tapping, is revolutionising the field of health and wellness. The healing concepts that it is based upon have been practiced in Eastern Medicine for over 5,000 years. Like Acupuncture and Acupressure, EFT Tapping is a set of techniques which utilise the body’s energy meridian points. You can stimulate these meridian points by tapping on them with your fingertips – literally tapping into your body’s own energy and healing power. Your body is more powerful than you can imagine and has a compelling ability for self-healing. With Tapping, you can take control of that power and your life. Click here to find out more.
Reclaiming & Owning Your Power – Online:
These 10 Modules take you on a self-paced experiential journey of remembering and self-realisation. Practical ‘experiments’ or assignments are included where possible, for we want you to know for yourself, not just theorise, or understand intellectually. Included is access to regular video Q&A sessions with Nelly & Dushy, where we may bring in guest speakers. We incorporate our diverse and challenging life experiences, channelled and intuitive messages and knowing, along with the guidance and teachings of many enlightened loving sources who share this journey with us. Click here to find out more.
Soul Chrysalis Practitioners:

Holistic Counselling & Relationship Therapy
Emotional Freedom Technique / EFT Tapping

Past Life Regression / Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT)
Emotional Freedom Technique / EFT Tapping