A broadly acceptable (scientific) definition of a sense would be “A system that consists of a group of sensory cell types that responds to a specific physical phenomenon, and that corresponds to a particular group of regions within the brain where the signals are received and interpreted.” The traditional five senses refer to hearing, sight, smell, taste and touch.
Other Senses
Humans have other senses that they are aware of, outside of the traditional senses. Senses like balance, temperature, kinaesthetic sense (the perception or sensing of the motion, weight, or position of the body as muscles, tendons, and joints move), and pain. While we are familiar with the traditional 5 senses and are aware of some other senses, we have largely overlooked or ignored two critically important senses. They are particularly important now as we increase our levels of consciousness (which is a natural part of evolution).
The first is Intuition or Extra Sensory Perception (ESP):
ESP is most commonly called the “sixth sense.” It is sensory information that an individual receives which comes beyond the ordinary five senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch. It can provide the individual with information of the present, past, and future; as it seems to originate in a second, or alternate reality.
Intuition is the ability to acquire knowledge without proof, evidence, or conscious reasoning, or without understanding how the knowledge was acquired.
They both describe the same thing. Intuition or ESP is your personal messaging system – that inner voice that speaks to you. This is your Soul or Higher Self guiding you. What tends to happen more often than not is that we ignore or override our inner voice, and replace it with conscious mind logic. This is limited thinking at best.
The second of the two is emotion:
We feel emotions in all their variety and intensities regularly. Emotions are our body’s guiding mechanism. They are indicators of how aligned or not we are to that greater part of ourselves referred to as our Soul or Higher Consciousness.
For every situation we encounter, we have two views or perceptions of what they mean. There is the conscious mind’s perception and there is the Soul’s understanding, and these two views play out every time we are faced with a situation. We are often unaware of our Soul’s view at a conscious level. When these two views are in conflict it is conveyed to you in the form of negative emotions. The degrees of negative intensity tell you how far your conscious thinking has shifted from that of your Soul’s view. Conversely, when you feel happy, the two views are in synch.
Your conscious mind can only draw from past experiences gathered in this physical life you are living now and so it is limited. It is intrinsically linked to your ego, which considers its primary duty to be one of protector. So your conscious mind thinks it’s here to defend and protect you from all things it cannot understand or label.
Similarly, your Soul draws upon every life you have lived and will live in the linear model of time that we are used to. It is privy to the plans you made before incarnating in this life time and how the situations you attract help you grow and evolve. It is directly and consciously connected with Source Energy all the time and so has an infinite amount of information to draw from.
So we see that it is best that we align our thoughts and focus based on the Soul View. And we know we are on track when our emotions are on the positive side of the scale. Whenever you are faced with a situation, consider the underlying feeling or emotion that presents itself. If it is negative, then what you are thinking is not aligned with your Soul’s view. You then have the choice to deliberately think a different thought that brings you more into alignment with positive thoughts or your Soul’s view.
This is called our individual Emotional Guidance System. When we start to truly listen to our intuition and learn to be guided by our emotions, we tune in to a life force that brings us everything we desire in complete understanding of why it is happening.