Soul Chrysalis sessions
People seek out QHHT to address many reasons, with health, disease, clarity and curiosity being the most common. When you know why things are the way they are, the healing journey begins.
A typical session lasts for around 5 to 6 hours, sometimes longer. You will be under hypnosis for about 2 of those hours and this part is recorded for you. The time tends to go fast as you are taken on a fascinating journey of your Consciousness. Many mind, heart and awareness expanding experiences await you…
Here’s a little bit about our process so you have a better understanding. People come to a QHHT session with a list of questions. Most people make 2 lists – one for their health/body and the other for life/personal questions.
We spend the first 2 to 3 hours or so getting to know each other. Nelly joins us for this part of the session, bringing her considerable perspectives and insights. We ask you to share a little bit about your life’s journey, which we both ‘tune in’ to psychically or intuitively. Often, we receive insights and messages from the ‘other side’ which we share with you. We sometimes see or sense the presence of loved ones who have passed and we share any messages we receive from them. We have found this in itself to be very cathartic, bringing so much relief and healing.
I explain a little bit about the process of QHHT in today’s environment and give you ways to understand how to let go and allow yourself to be hypnotised. We then go over your list of questions so I know them in the broader context of your life experiences.
After a break (we provide an organic vegetarian lunch) you get to lie down, get comfortable and we begin the hypnosis.
Most times you are guided by your Higher Self to 1 to 3 past lives or other experiences. If you don’t believe in past lives, that is ok. We can call that part just a story: both are just words and concepts and we will work with the words and concepts that are most familiar to you.
This part of the session shows you where issues you are dealing with began, for when you know where something began, you can more easily understand it, heal it and move on. There are many possibilities of things you may be shown during this part. All of this information is just below the level of consciousness that we usually work from.
We now find that more people don’t require a visit to a past life. This is because all residual karma and other incidents have already been resolved or are no longer relevant. In such cases I will be guided by your Higher Self who will show and help you experience exactly what you require, according to your divine right timing and awareness.
I then ask your Higher Self (subconscious, over-soul, higher conscious or whatever name you call this larger aspect of you) to use the gift of your voice and come in to answer your questions and to heal your body.
This Higher Self is you, but more specifically, the part of you that is more commonly referred to as your intuition or your gut feeling. It is the larger aspect of you that has always been with you and sees and knows everything about you from a higher perspective. It is the part of you that is always aware of your connection to Source, God or whatever name you place on that energy.
We spend a little time talking about this and how you can best support and maintain your healing after the session.
QHHT is not a magic wand as envisioned in the more traditional sense. You are given tools and understanding on how to support your healing and information received. Your openness to change and belief in this process are vital to the healing process.
If you are looking for something or someone external to yourself to simply heal you, i.e. you are unwilling to make changes within yourself (such as attitude & behaviour), and expect healing to be ‘done to you’ with little or no effort on your part, not much is likely to change.
Life is never meant to be static and we are all ever evolving and changing beings. A resistance to this natural process via a reluctance to change or accept or consider what is being shown is not conducive to healing.
The great part of these sessions is that it is you (your Higher Self) telling you (your conscious self) why things are the way they are and how to move forward in the highest, grandest way!
It is not me healing or counselling you.
By the end of a session, one thing is for sure. You will not be the same person full of questions that you were at the beginning of the session. It’s common for people to come out of hypnosis with a look of awe and wonder at knowing the answers to all their questions, and to have healing of their body. That is the beauty of QHHT.
It is very powerful to hear the recording of your session and hear yourself answer your own questions deeply and expansively.
Once experienced, this multi-dimensional experience has the capability to leave you with a clear knowing of how to maintain this connection with your Higher Self on an ongoing basis.
I had Dolores Cannon (founder of QHHT) come through during a QHHT session a few years ago, stating how much she loves the work we do and that she is in all my sessions, guiding both me and my clients!
Here’s the link to my QHHT practitioner listing:
My session fee is $ 460. (Special offer for December 2022 & January 2023 Aus$ 406). A $ 160 non-refundable deposit by cash or bank transfer is required at the time of booking to reserve the date. The balance $300 is payable on the day by cash or bank transfer.

Preparing for Your Session
Create a list of questions you would like your Higher Self (subconscious or however you call the collective consciousness we tap into) to answer. Make one list of physical/health questions you have, and another separate list of personal/life questions you want answered. Please write very clearly or type them. Preferably leave spaces between your questions so brief answers or outcomes may be written down for you.
Bring these lists with you to your session. I don’t need to see them ahead of time. If you have a long list of questions please prioritize your most important questions at the top of each list. My goal is to get every question answered, but we work with a two-hour window where you are hypnotised.
Please don’t bring the list on a device like your phone or iPad.
Your intention to have a great session is key! Once you have made the decision to have a QHHT session, your Higher Self is already preparing and getting ready to have a wonderful conversation with you.
Your conscious self needs to be reminded that it will take a back seat during this experience. Your conscious mind or ego is not aware of your Higher Self’s plans, and it is not required to be heard during the session.
In the days leading up to your session, start repeating to yourself several times a day that you connect to your Higher Self easily. Note: not that you will connect but that you do connect.
If you meditate, do so the morning or day of your appointment to help clear your mind. If you don’t meditate, then do something that puts you in a calm place like taking a walk or listening to some soothing music. You may listen to relaxing music on the drive to your session.
The night before and on the day of your session don’t drink alcohol. Eliminate or limit your use of caffeine on the day of your session. If you normally have 3 cups of coffee in the morning, try having just one, try a decaf, or don’t drink caffeine after the morning.
Eat well but light before you come in. Our session could go 5 to 6 hours or longer.
Your session is audio-recorded. You may remember some, all or nothing of your session while you were hypnotised, so a recording is great and actually important to your process after we meet. The more you hear your session, the more easily the changes can stick. Make time to listen to your session recording on the day of your session.
If you have your own recording device, feel free to bring it. Please bring your laptop or external hard drive, or memory stick, so we can download your recording straight after your session. Alternatively, we will email it to you.
Please note that external hard drives need to be compatible with Mac not PC.
Your session is private. Even though spouses/partners/friends may want to be with you to witness this amazing event, it is a place where you need to feel completely safe, and your confidentiality in all matters is observed. Because of this, no one else is allowed in your session. You may share your recording or any memories or thoughts at your discretion.
Should you have further questions about how a session works please feel free to contact me. If for any reason you need to cancel or reschedule, please let me know as soon as possible. I only book one QHHT appointment a day to ensure that all needed time and attention is given to each person.
My intention is to assist you to receive the information you seek so that you can have a very happy and focused life. I will do everything in my power to work for your greater good and give you the tools you need to move forward in your life in a happy, insightful and productive way.
I am simply your guide to show you that all answers lie within you and are accessible by YOU!
Back to QHHT general information.
Some of the content and wording used is courtesy of suzannespoonerqhht.com