Living Water

It is no coincidence that roughly 70% of our planet consists oceans and the human body is made up of approximately the same percentage. Dr. Masaru Emoto, the Japanese scientist and water researcher, revealed the true nature of water and how thoughts and vibrations affect the molecular structure of water through high speed photography of thousands of water crystals.

He discovered that water from clear springs and water that has been exposed to loving words shows brilliant, complex, and colourful snowflake patterns, while water from polluted sources or water exposed to negative thoughts forms incomplete, asymmetrical patterns with dull colours.

Dr. Masaru’s study on water molecules.

Be aware of your self-talk. What are you communicating to yourself? This affects you more than you can imagine. Your vibrational field is created by your self-talk. This in turn affects your environment.

Our civilisation is experiencing chronic-dehydration according to Anthony Williams the Medical Medium

Living water is water that has minerals and life energy in it without any addition of chemicals. It is comprised of 2 main components

  1. Hydro bioactive water hold life-giving nutrients to support our physical health and hydrate our cells better than any drink of plain water can. It replenishes your body and feeds your bloodstream to keep us going.
  2. Cofactor water has nutrients that specifically feed you on a soul level so a morning of hydration helps you find mental and spiritual support at the same time it gives you physical relief.

How to make Living water:  (Intention is Key to any method that you choose to use )

1. You could add a citrus fruit like lemons, limes, or grapefruit to your water*. These fruits get their minerals from the earth and they also contain some living water in them. Adding them into your filtered water activates it, making the water much more beneficial. Watermelon is 100% living water.

2. You can put water* in a glass jar and leave it in the sun. The sun will shine through it and provide the water with energy and will then make it living water by putting life back into it.

3. Add some raw honey. It has natural sugar, which your body needs and also contains minerals and micro phytonutrients that are perfect to create living water. Honey is a great addition to your morning glass of lemon water*.

4. You can add crystals into your water* and energize before consuming

Note:* Avoid tap water containing Fluoride and other chemicals, as well as plastic bottled water.


Nelly - Holistic Counselling
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