What is Quantum Intuitive Counselling (QIC)
This is the name we have coined for our form of counselling, which is quite unique to us.
In short, it is the merging and melding of information gathered and gleaned from a variety of sources and densities (dimensions), which transcend the more traditional approaches to counselling.
It is not uncommon for the energies or spirits of ancestors and loved ones who have passed to make themselves known during our sessions. We receive insights and messages from them which we share with you. We also receive messages from our higher selves, that are relevant to the consultation, which we share with you. These are known to span lifetimes and come from the quantum realm where access to all information is possible.
Avail yourself of the combined skills, knowledge and experiences of a certified Relationship Therapist, certified Holistic (Soul & Body) Nutritionist, certified Intuitive Counsellor, EFT practitioners, our understanding of Sacred Universal Laws and our extensive life experiences. During the counselling we introduce you to masculine and feminine perspectives in order to give you balanced and holistic insights and information.
In addition, we draw upon any of our abilities and modalities to suit you and your individual situation. As such, our sessions are quite unique to you.
Other standalone modalities such as QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique), and Crystal Pranic Healing/Psychotherapy may be prescribed as separate features, or incorporated as part of the healing process, depending on the situation.
Our model works best when you are ready and willing to look within yourself and to make changes to your behaviours, thinking and outlook on life, and your contributions or roles in your relationships. It works when you decide to take control of your life.
If you still subscribe to the outdated model of “I am broken, so fix me please”, you will find our offerings and processes quite challenging. This model demands that you hand over power and control over yourself to someone or something external to you, which seldom if ever, brings desired lasting outcomes.
Relationship Therapy (Nelly)
Relationships are the foundation of our learning experiences on the earth plane of existence. Our steepest learning opportunities and stumbling blocks come from our relationships, be it with that special person or partner, our siblings, children, family, boss, teachers, priests, peers or in some circumstances, even material things.
Intuitive Counselling (Dushy)
Incorporating psychic or intuitive insights and messages with the principles of counselling. While you gain new insights and understanding in accordance with your divine right timing, the process is augmented by sharing our insights, visions and messages.
Details about time and your investment
Our recommended sessions are 3 hours in duration and are $320
We find this to be the most beneficial and cost effective for you. When more than one session is required, our follow ups are usually on a fortnightly or monthly basis. This gives you the necessary time for what was discussed and the new insights to be put into practise, and to see results. Naturally, this varies depending on the situation and the individual.
We also offer 2 hour consultations which are $250.
For teenagers we find that an hour to an hour and a half is the optimal time frame. These sessions are $175.
Consultations are usually in person, however may also be conducted online.
How to prepare for Online Counselling
Consultations are usually in person, however may also be conducted online.
Counselling is very personal work. Before each session we recommend that you take time to prepare yourself and your space accordingly. Shut the doors, turn off the phone, get yourself a glass of water, and maybe even light a candle (that we recommend you blow out once the session is complete). To make the most of the session, be ready to commence five minutes before your appointed time.
Whilst the online medium is very convenient and easy to access, it is important that you ensure you are in a space that is:
- Private
- Distraction or disturbance free
- Comfortable
You will need:
- A computer OR device (phone/tablet) with Facebook Messenger, Whatsapp or Facetime (whichever is preferred)
- Headphones with a microphone (not essential, but recommended)
- Strong and consistent internet connection.
All Online Counselling sessions are conducted from our practice in Woodend, Victoria, Australia (Australian Eastern Standard Time). If you are located in a different time zone, we ask that you consult http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html to determine your relevant time zone and adjust accordingly.
Contact us for details and to make an appointment.