The hardest part for us is to be born. When we are born we change from a spiritual being with no illness and worry, to a body exposed to dangers and negativity. From the time of our birth we are exposed to relationships that are necessary for our spiritual growth and which we have chosen ourselves at a soul level. Death is the simplest of all; it’s the reunion with our real source “The lightness of being”. Therefore we feel incomplete from the time of our birth. It is the longing for this love and wholeness that inspires us at times and leads us to many crisis situations and self-destructive ways too. The choice is always ours. Most of us are unaware that we originate from this love and return to it when our bodies die. So we unconsciously try to obtain this love from material wealth, external circumstances and relationships.
Relationships give us the opportunity to know and experience ourselves. We attract the very people and life situations that are needed for us to grow. It is through relationships that we learn to express and receive love, to forgive, to help and to serve. This is our purpose in this world of contrast, to experience and mature through our relationships. For this reason, all relationships are sacred. Some of our most difficult and challenging life experiences occur in our family relationships. And so do most of our most fulfilling ones.

Romantic relationships and marriages are a major source of growth. Unlike the common belief that a soul mate is the one true partner who we will marry and live with for eternity, a soul mate is one who is previously set up before coming into incarnation. At a soul level, the cycle of life takes many turns and at the perfect time a soul mate will appear to teach us what we need to know about our self. A soul mate relationship is a special one that almost always alters our life. A soul mate in one life could be different than in another lifetime or they could share many lifetimes together in the process of learning and expanding. We are connected to a large soul family and a soul mate could be the same gender, or opposite, depending on what one wants to experience. Some soul mate relationships can be harmonious while others are meant for the souls advancements. Some of us first get to know a soul mate and then get married and others marry and then get to know their soul mates. Some are married to a soul mate their entire life without even getting to know them. We hinder our expansion when we stay in relationships and marriages for all the wrong reasons. Some feel loving another means they have to sacrifice their lives or the other will get ill or die, others feel dependent and are afraid of their partner leaving them.
We abuse the soul when we restrict our freedom in the name of love, by staying in a relationship/marriage without a true connection. The meaning of love in a relationship is to take responsibility for one self and one’s soul. We can achieve this when we let go of the idea that we are at the mercy of an uncertain destiny and become aware of our true ability to create our life as we desire.
The life force within each of us vibrates at different levels according to our spiritual maturity. This has nothing to do with being superior to another. People react to a situation according to their own understanding and awareness of the time. When we recognise this fact, it becomes easier for us to understand unacceptable behaviour of others. Each person grows spiritually at some stage or another when they stop resisting the life force that constantly seeks expansion. To create truly loving relationships we must first master the relationship we have with ourselves.
Excerpt from “Sacred Connections” by Nelly

“You will never find yourself in a point in time when the subject of relationships is not an active part of your now experience, for everything you perceive or notice or know is because of your relationship with something else. Without a comparative experience, you would be unable to perceive or focus any kind of understanding within yourself. Therefore, it is accurate to say that without relationships you could not exist at all.“
– The teachings of Abraham (The Vortex)