Humanity is in a time of significant shifting. We are experiencing change on many levels: personal, local, national and global. Emerging new paradigms challenge the old conditioned patterns. Humanity is experiencing mixed emotions due to this change. For some it is very stressful and disrupting while for others it is a time of excitement and anticipation. At Soul Chrysalis we focus on steering this shift in a positive direction by raising the individual awareness so that it contributes to the raising of collective awareness. It is also about creating a balance between spirituality and science. Our holistic healing approach to relationships of all kinds, especially the one we have with ourself, is what we like to call Quantum Intuitive Counselling. Our focus is on replacing the old conditioned patterns with new ways of being. We all have unique subconscious emotional patterns or energies that govern our behaviour, irrespective of gender.
Relationships give us the opportunity to know and experience ourselves. We attract the very people and life situations that are needed for us to grow. It is through relationships that we learn to express and receive love, to forgive, to help and to serve. This is our purpose in this world of duality, to experience and mature through our relationships. For this reason, all relationships are sacred. Some of our most difficult and challenging life experiences occur in our family relationships, and so do most of our most fulfilling ones.

Romantic relationships and marriages are a major source of growth. The common belief is that a soul mate is the one true partner who we will marry and live with for a life time. On the contrary a soul mate is one who we have collaboratively set up before coming into incarnation to help us evolve. At a soul level, the cycle of life takes many turns and at the perfect time a soul mate will appear to teach us what we need to know about our self. A soul mate relationship is a special one that almost always alters our lives. We are connected to a large soul family and a soul mate could be the same gender, or opposite, depending on what one wants to experience. Some soul mate relationships can be harmonious while others are meant for the soul’s advancement. Some of us first get to know a soul mate and then get married and others marry and then get to know their soul mates. Some are married to a soul mate their entire life without even getting to know them. We hinder our expansion when we stay in relationships and marriages for all the wrong reasons. Some feel loving another means they have to sacrifice their lives or the other will get ill or die. Others feel dependent and are afraid of their partner leaving them. Some struggle with grief.
We abuse the soul when we restrict our freedom in the name of love, by staying in a relationship/marriage without a true connection. The meaning of love in a relationship is to take responsibility for one’s self and one’s soul, while complimenting the other person. We can achieve this when we let go of the idea that we are at the mercy of an uncertain destiny and become aware of our true ability to create our life as we desire.
New Ways of Being
Humanity is in a time of significant shifting. We are experiencing change on many levels: personal, local, national and global. Emerging new paradigms challenge the old conditioned patterns. Humanity is experiencing mixed emotions due to this change. For some it is very stressful and disrupting while for others it is a time of excitement and anticipation.
Our mission is about steering this shift in a positive direction by raising the individual awareness so that it contributes to the raising of collective awareness. It is about replacing the old conditioned patterns by “New Ways of Being”. It is also about creating a balance between science and spirituality.
You have the advantage of experiencing the insights and intuitive messages, as well as messages from beyond the veil as Nelly & Dushy receive you from a place of neutrality tapping into the unified field of consciousness.
Here are some of the topics that are usually covered during a session.
• Duality ~
The things that we observe have a dualistic nature. They have a core energy pattern based on masculine and feminine energies (not gender based) The balancing of these core energy patterns in each individual contributes to balancing the collective energy, which is very much out of balance at present. Where this dualistic nature gets reconciled into oneness is in the quantum realm rather than in this physical realm.
• Freewill ~
Moving from reaction to observation and choice. Taking responsibility for our actions so that we can make better choices.
• Karma ~
Moving away from the fear based portrayal of karma in many teachings to one of balancing karma that presents opportunities to evolve spiritually.
• Law of Attraction ~
Based on vibration and frequency of the individual energy field, what we give out is what we receive.
• Law of Deliberate Intention ~
The ability to create with intention. In the quantum realm we are creators of our own reality.
• Law of Allowing ~
The art of letting go of resistance so that we can release blockages in the physical body and be free of dis-ease.
• Law of Manifestation ~
The art of manifestation. Once we have mastered the laws of attraction and intention this happens automatically.
• Multidimensional Awareness ~
In the quantum realm infinite possibilities exist simultaneously. It’s a sea of possibility. And it’s non dualistic. Exploring the different dimensions of awareness. A deeper understanding of space, time, parallel lives and universes. The power of the present moment. The individual choices we make really can reach across the universe.
• Tuning into the vibration of the client using intuitive guidance from the quantum realm ~
Clairaudience is to reach into another vibrational frequency in the quantum realm and visually perceive something existing that would clarify the situation.
Claircognisance is to reach into another vibrational frequency in the quantum realm and to know information that is in a way of simply knowing the truth of the situation.
Quantum energy healing supports what many spiritual teachers and initiates have said through time. We are all one.
At Soul Chrysalis, every counselling session is tailored to your individual needs according to your awareness at the time. The following is a list of what you can expect in our sessions:
- Receive deeper intuitive or psychic messages and guidance.
- Learn to work with Universal Laws like the Law of Attraction, Duality, Free Will and Karma.
- Release inhibiting traits and emotional blocks that no longer serve you.
- Balance your masculine (yang) and feminine (yin) energies.
- Nurture your inner child and learn to love yourself unconditionally.
Check HERE for more details about Quantum Intuitive Counselling
CONTACT US for further information and bookings