Evolution vs Creation

There are endless debates and points of view on this sometimes contentious topic. The common thread in all the debate I have seen has been a polarisation towards either of these views, with the assertion that ‘our view is correct’! Some religions teach us that what exists was created by a God or a pantheon of deities. Science tells us that as humans, we evolved from single celled organisms and they have proof to back it all up in the form of fossil remains and accepted means of dating them. Yes this is a simplified version, however, it captures the essence of the sentiments. So which one is true? Which one resonates more with you?

Now that we are in the throes of moving in to a higher state of being (much is written and said about the Earth’s evolution to the 5th dimension which is happening now), we are being given more information on the origins of humans, our planet and our universe. While this information was always accessible, most of us were not ready to take it in and most of us did not know how to. This is all changing! We now have many ways of getting this information from channelled messages via mediums, ‘psychic insights’, out of body experiences and Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) to name a few.

I would like to share some of the information that has come through QHHT sessions that I have conducted as well as from other practitioners and the founder of QHHT – Dolores Cannon. These findings have been corroborated by thousands of cases from all parts of the world, so they are not isolated. Those of you who are ready to hear this will find that a lot of what follows if not all of it, resonates at some level. It is like an ‘inner knowing’ that makes sense. For others, it will act as a trigger or catalyst for more searching and validation. For others, it may sound far-fetched and perhaps unbelievable or unacceptable. There is nothing right or wrong with any of these reactions.

What we need to understand here is that the truth never changes – it simply is. However, our perception of the truth changes as we learn to peel away the layers of our conditioning and open up to higher vibrations or new ways of being. In keeping with that, this knowledge that I am about to share is also based on my perception of what is, right now. No doubt my perception will continue to expand and evolve further as I continue to open up to new ways of being. Here is the punch line: Both Evolution and Creation describe the same process! They are not separate. They do so from different points of view. One takes scientific findings as its basis while the other takes faith in a doctrine. They are both correct. Let’s explore this a little further.

Here’s a simplified statement: Faith according to Christianity states that God created the world and humans in seven days. Science says it took millions of years. We now understand (at least conceptually) that outside of the earth environment, time as we know it, does not exist. Everything happens in this moment we call NOW. When we get information from other entities or beings, they have difficulty translating events in to time as we know it, and as such variances in time or in the translation of time happens. We now can see that the Creation description of seven days is more metaphorical and does not literally mean 7 earth days. In fact it did take millions of years, which when time does not exist, is not long at all. We were not ready to grasp the concept of ‘no time’ and 7 days was an easy means of getting a handle on this. The Creation theory also states that Humans were created by God – i.e. there was no evolution from primitive man to humans as we know them. Scientists state that we have fossilised evidence of primitive man and the stages in between… however, it is yet to adequately explain the final transition.

So here’s what we now know primarily through the QHHT process, in a very simplified and shortened format. The Earth is a living being. In the very beginning, as it evolved and conditions became more hospitable for life as we know it, single celled organisms came to be. They all contained a life source referred to as Source Energy or God or the Universe. These life forms just did not ‘happen’. The Earth was seeded by other beings, who carry this Source Energy and were able to work with it to start life, as we largely define it now. This was their collective mission –  to seed planets as they became ready for life. Many beings from many places did this. These conditions were monitored by these other beings and they assisted in helping the life forms get established and to grow, diversify and evolve. This is seen from the fossilised evidence. At a point in time, the humanoid form that we closely associate with as modern humans was created and introduced. This was a result of deliberate manipulation of ‘pre-humans’ who had evolved ‘naturally’ and are generally described as pre-historic man. So there is no final transition version or as was sometimes referred to as the ‘missing link’.

There was a deliberate evolutionary jump if you will, through what may best be described now as genetic manipulation. This new race was subsequently ‘tainted’ through the introduction of other genetic material and it changed from its more pure state (pure to the desired outcomes of those creators), to what we are today. This is explained in Christianity through the fable of Adam & Eve.

This human form continued to evolve and had set backs many times through the history of the Earth. We as a collective have evolved to the point of self destruction and beyond – the two most recent being in the times of Atlantis and Lemuria. The Earth we all share has been through mass destruction before – thanks mainly to greed and the need for more power from a select minority, who pinched themselves off from the life stream known as Source Energy.

We are at this point once again…and we cannot let history repeat itself. The best way we can assist in changing all this is in changing ourselves first. Learn to change your vibration to a higher frequency. There are many messages and means to help you do this…and here at Soul Chrysalis, we are happy to share our learning and journeys with you to help you do just that.


Dushy - Pranic Healing, QHHT, Sound Healing, Holistic Healer

*Thousands of people from all parts of the world under hypnosis describe the same or similar situations and events when they go back to past lives. These are people who have no way of knowing what the others have said and yet their stories are consistent.

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