Everything is Energy

According to most ancient wisdom and traditions, the entirety of creation, from human beings to animals or vegetable to minerals, is just different expressions of the same universal life force. For over hundred years, physicists have been probing the structure of matter and have universally accepted Einstein’s revelation between matter and energy. Everything is energy! Every thought, word, feeling and thing is energy. Things that appear to be solid are actually very tightly compacted energy particles creating a shape, form or physical appearance. Although we identify ourselves with our physical body we are actually multidimensional, energetic, spiritual beings having a physical human experience.

This means that the energy of our bodies and the energy of our feelings and thoughts are one and the same, simply vibrating at different speeds. This is why our emotions have such profound influences on our bodies. When we vibrate at different speeds we create different experiences. Our vibration is our personal energy frequency, a direct reflection of our inner thoughts, feelings, beliefs etc. The higher our vibration is, the faster our light particles vibrate allowing us to hold more light, elevating our consciousness and connection to our soul and divine self. When our vibration is low, our light particles are vibrating slowly and become condensed. Our energy literally feels heavy because we are not in alignment with our soul and divine self. Then we start operating from our lower self or ego. Distorted beliefs, fear, anger, resentment, blame, guilt, jealousy, judgment, shame, addiction, conditional love, lack of self worth, greed, separation consciousness and poor health keep us in a very dense low vibrating energy.

We live on this physical world of duality where everything is different e.g. male and female; good and bad; light and darkness etc. We need this variety and diversity in order to understand that every new preference, desire and idea is born from this contrast that provides the basis for our experiences and expansion. We make our choices from this diversity knowing our goal is to live a happy and fulfilled life. Yet we first require to experience the very opposite as we try to fit into this world of conformity. This very experience will guide us towards our self-empowerment, bringing the many layers of our energetic body into our awareness allowing our soul to integrate all of these layers, elevating us into a state of wholeness. When we think and focus on how that thought feels, we call forth the creative energy of the universe, creating our reality. This is the Law of Attraction that causes all Life to evolve. We have the choice to create what we want to experience. When we focus on what we want instead of what we don’t want, we can balance our energy to create our desire.

law of attraction

According to the ancient Vedic tradition there are seven main energy centers in our body known as chakras. In Sanskrit, chakra means wheel or disc and this serves to describe the spinning motion that chakras use to store, regulate and distribute life force energy into our physical bodies. These energy centers are located in a vertical column from the base of the spine to the top of the head and relate to specific aspects of our physical and psychological wellbeing. If these energy centers are blocked, we experience emotional upheavals, which in turn lead to physical imbalances. Everything has an individual energy field around it called an aura. The purpose of the aura is to send out sensory energetic signals. The energy field helps us move and function in the world by providing us with information from within the realms of mind, body and spirit. The motivation behind an intention made of strong beliefs and powerful emotions permeates into the physical world. If the intention is fear based then the energy that is transferred through the action into the physical world is fear. On the other hand, if our intention is love, this will emanate from us and our actions will be infused with love that we will also attract.

Pure, unconditional love is the highest frequency of vibration there is. When we focus on unconditional love, we attract more of it. This kind of love can be felt for anyone or anything as it represents our “oneness” with all of creation. When the people and the resources that we desire seem to magically appear, we are vibrating in this high frequency. This flowing and balanced energy frequency creates completely different biochemical and electrical energy signatures in our brains. When we radiate love, we send out a powerful vibration that impacts all other life forms. The more we experience living in unconditional love, the more familiar we become to living at a high energetic vibration, the greater its effect on the world around us.

Throughout millennia we have created uncountable energy forms. Energy cannot be destroyed, it can only be reconfigured. With the dawning of the Aquarian Age, the new era of peace, love and compassion as foreseen by many ancient civilizations, we now have the opportunity and responsibility to transmute our old dissonant energy patterns and create new balanced energy. The key to unlocking eons of self-loathing is transmuting the outdated energy forms back to their highest vibratory level of unconditional love. Everything is made of the same energy; the only difference is the rate at which it vibrates. This transformation will be announced by old systems breaking down and humanity waking up to a sense of expanded consciousness and spiritual awakening.

Excerpt from “Sacred Connections” by Nelly

Nelly - Holistic Counselling
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