What is Pranic Healing?
Prana is a Sanskrit word literally meaning “life-force” – the invisible bio-energy or vital energy that keeps the body alive and maintains a state of good health. The Japanese call this subtle energy Ki, the Chinese Chi, while the Greeks refer to it as Pneuma. In Polynesian it is known as Mana, and in Hebrew, Ruah – meaning “Breath of Life.”
Pranic Healing is a form of energy healing which makes use of Prana, or vital energy, in the treatment of a wide variety of ailments. As an art and science, Pranic Healing was widely practiced in ancient civilizations in China, Egypt and India. In Pranic Healing, cure is effected by simply removing diseased energies from the patient’s invisible energy body and by transferring fresh vital energy (Prana) to the affected areas with the use of the hands and/or crystals. Using a scientific “no-touch” methodology, Pranic Healing can prevent, alleviate, and heal a whole spectrum of physical, emotional, and mental ailments. Because the methods are simple and fairly easy to understand, anyone can learn and apply Pranic Healing in no time at all.
What is the Invisible Energy Body?
Scientific evidence provides tangible proof of the existence of the energy body and its relation to the health and well-being of the physical body. Based on the scientific experiments conducted by the eminent Russian scientist, Semyon Kirlian, photographs taken of humans, animals and plants through an ultrasensitive camera process showed a colourful, radiant energy field surrounding the physical body. This energy field, or aura, interpenetrates the visible physical body, extending about 4 to 5 inches from the skin’s surface. Experiments in Kirlian photography have also revealed that diseased energies appear first in the energy body before manifesting as a physical ailment. Further experiments have produced dramatic evidence that a person’s thoughts and emotions substantially affect the colour, brilliance, and vitality of their energy body. To a large extent, the health of the energy body is determined by how effectively the prana flows through its main energy centres known as chakras.
Chakra Balancing
There are several chakras positioned throughout the invisible energy body and each chakra serves a different role. For example, the first chakra also known as the root chakra, is located at the base of the spine and is responsible for our sense of security, peace and the feeling of being grounded. Think of it as the earth or land one would lay foundations upon to build a house. You want solid, secure earth to lay the framework down upon, otherwise you risk an inevitable and early collapse. When this chakra is undernourished, meaning the flow of prana to it is weak, we often feel like our heads are in the clouds, taking for granted our surroundings and leaping before looking. Conversely, when the flow of prana to the root chakra is too much (think high water pressure in a pipe), it creates an overactive state where anxiety, panic and fear will pervade. Using energy scanning or aura reading, these imbalances can be diagnosed and treated with pranic energy, allowing for chakra cleansing, alignment and healing to take place.
What Ailments Can be Treated by Pranic Healing?
- Simple physical disorders like headaches, toothaches, coughs, sore throats, fever, stomach aches, diarrhoea, dysmenorrhea, muscle pain, sprains, and minor burns;
- Severe ailments, tuberculosis, hypertension, heart problems, hepatitis, myomas, cysts, cancers, migraine, arthritis, and epilepsy;
- Emotional and mental disorders like stress, tension, anxiety, depression, phobias, manias, paranoia, schizophrenia, and other related ailments.
Why Choose Pranic Healing Over Other Methods?
While there are benefits to all varieties of healing practices, there are some unique aspects to Pranic Healing that may be favourable to you:
- No physical contact required. Unlike similar modalities such as reiki, pranic healing does not require close proximity or physical touch in order to heal. In fact, the healer and patient can be on total opposite ends of the earth and the healing can be just as effective.
- Not limited to people. As many would turn to the well known art of sage burning when moving into a new home, pranic healing can also be employed to clear blocked energy in households, buildings, workplaces, vehicles and many other instances, ultimately allowing the energy to flow in a more harmonious manner.
- Pets and animals with ailments can also be treated in a similar manner as humans.
Pranic Healing is not intended to replace modern medicine. Rather, this ancient healing methodology is intended to complement conventional medical practices as well as other alternative healing methods.
The Teacher – Master Choa Kok Sui
The teacher who has reintroduced the ancient science and art of Pranic Healing to the world is Master Choa Kok Sui. A Chinese-Filipino scientist, educator, and philanthropist, he has written three practical manuals on Pranic Healing The Ancient Science and Art of Pranic Healing (1987),The Ancient Science and Art of Pranic Psychotherapy (1989), and Advanced Pranic Healing(1992). His works are the distillation of over 20 years of studies and experimentation, and are published in over 12 languages around the world.
From his writings, the following Pranic Healing Courses were developed: a) Basic Pranic Healing Course (for treating simple ailments); b) Advanced Pranic Healing Course (the use of coloured prana and advanced healing techniques for treating severe ailments); and, c) Pranic Psychotherapy Course (for treating psychological and psychiatric ailments using advanced Pranic Healing techniques).
Pranic Healing can be also done remotely.
Details about time and cost
90 minute session fee is $ 145 (Australia Dollars). A $ 45 non-refundable deposit by cash or bank transfer is required at the time of booking.
One hour session fee is $ 100 (Australian Dollars). A $ 40 non-refundable deposit by cash or bank transfer is required at the time of booking.
Dushy uses his natural ability to see and sense auras and energy when using Pranic Healing and Pranic Psychotherapy.
He has worked with Pranic Healing since the year 2000 and is certified in Advanced Pranic Healing and Pranic Psychotherapy.
For appointments please Contact us