past life regression

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT)

We have all lived many lives before arriving at our current incarnation. Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique provides a window into the soul’s journey, accessing long forgotten memories and providing insight into our fears, ailments and experiences.

holistic counselling

Holistic Counselling & Relationship Therapy

Relationships give us the opportunity to know and experience ourselves. We attract the very people and life situations that are needed for us to grow. It is through relationships that we learn to express and receive love, to forgive, to help and to serve.

Sound & Vibrational Therapy

Sound & Vibrational Therapy

Sound and music have been a part of human culture throughout the ages. Scientific studies have demonstrated how sound can reduce stress levels, provide emotional release, elevate moods, heighten learning states, improve focus and enhance creative thinking.

pranic healing near me

Pranic Healing

A powerful form of no-touch energy healing used for the treatment of a wide variety of ailments. Safe for adults, children and animals and can be used for clearing negative energy in houses and other environments.

Tarot Readings

Tarot Readings

Tarot cards are intuitively interpreted according to the situation at hand – the energies and attitudes involved in the moment. Changing one’s attitude and associated energies results in changed and new outcomes. Here in lies the power of receiving a Tarot reading.

Online Offering

Reclaiming & Owning Your Power – Online Offering

Are you tired of external situations and people having so much control over you? These 10 Modules take you on a self-paced experiential journey of remembering and self-realisation.

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We look forward to helping you on your healing journey

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Our philosophy is simple – we see you as complete and whole – a stunning and shining extension of Source, on your own unique path. We help you see this for yourself according to your divine right timing.

Soul Chrysalis’ holistic healing approach is all about making the shift in our consciousness from being unaware of being unaware, to being aware of being unaware. This way you can make the necessary changes to consciously create what you desire, instead of creating from a default, conditioned and reactionary position. Ideally, we would like to be aware of being aware so that we can be the creators of our own reality. In this state we take total responsibility for our own actions and dissolve victimhood, guilt, blame and the externalisation of our problems. With what we like to call ‘Quantum Energy Healing’, we learn to see the universe differently than we do now and use this newfound awareness to manifest new ways of being. When we make this quantum shift in our awareness, we not only heal ourselves, we also heal the collective and the world around us.

Quantum Energy Healing comprises of the following:

  • Duality ~

Nearly everything we observe has a dualistic nature. In other words, in order for there to be hot, there must also be cold. We explore this duality through the masculine and feminine energies that are inside all of us (nothing to do with gender). Balancing of these core energy patterns in each individual contributes to balancing the collective energy.

  • Freewill ~

Moving from ingrained reaction to observation and conscious choice. Taking responsibility for our actions so that we can make better choices.

  • Karma ~

Moving away from the fear based karma as portrayed in many misguided mainstream portrayals of the concept, to that of balance and the opportunity to evolve spiritually.

  • Law of Attraction | Deliberate Intention | Art of Allowing | Manifestation ~

From a vibrational perspective, what we give out is what we receive. We are the creators of our own reality, whether that is by default observation and reaction, or our deliberate intention. Once we have clarified our intention, we must let go and get out of our own way, allowing the universal forces to deliver the manifestation of our desires.

  • Multidimensional Awareness  ~ 

In the quantum realm infinite possibilities exist simultaneously. It’s a sea of non-dualistic possibility. By exploring the different dimensions of awareness, a deeper understanding of space, time, parallel lives and universes can be attained. The power of the present moment and the individual choices we make can reach across all frontiers.

  • Meditation Using Sacred Sound & Geometry  ~  

Meditation is the focusing of the mind or total awareness into the unified field of consciousness in the quantum realm; the non-dualistic void where all possibilities exist simultaneously. In this lucid state, the mind meditates upon the one thing it desires to manifest, letting go of the constant noise of the outside world. The use of healing frequencies and sacred geometry during meditation takes the individual to different dimensions of consciousness,  enabling the lighter vibrations such as love, joy, compassion and grace to manifest.

  • Tuning Into the Vibration of the Client Using Clairaudience and Claircognizance ~

Clairaudience is to reach into another vibrational frequency in the quantum realm and visually perceive something existing that would clarify the situation. Claircognizance is to reach into a different vibrational frequency in the quantum realm and to access information from a place of deeper knowing and truth of the situation.

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Humanity is in a time of shifting. We are experiencing change at personal, local, national and global levels at a rapid rate. Emerging new paradigms constantly challenge our old conditioned patterns and humanity is experiencing mixed emotions on many levels due to this change. For some it is very stressful and disrupting, while for others it is a time of excitement and anticipation. Quantum Energy Healing is about steering this shift in a positive direction by raising the individual awareness so that it contributes to the raising of the collective awareness. It is also about creating a balance between spirituality and science and supports what many spiritual teachers and initiates have said throughout time…we are all one.


Soul Chrysalis - Holistic Healing